The Mighty Argo is a recreation and tourism project that proposes to further enliven the history of the Argo Mill, the Argo Tunnel and the Mining history of Idaho Springs, Colorado. The project also creates additional and easy access to the Idaho Springs mountain park for recreation and leisure experiences. The primary addition to the Mill and Idaho Springs is a cable car that flies over the former mining activities and arrives at the top of the mountain park giving access to panoramic views of the front range. META was engaged by The Mighty Argo to master plan, develop programming, and choreograph an experience for “Miner’s Point”, the arrival area for the Mighty Argo Cable Car. META, in collaboration with the owners, Open Studio Architecture and Martin / Martin Engineers, worked carefully to insert programming with minimal disturbance to the existing landscape. The first step was to carefully locate a generous pedestrian walkway / access road that acts as an armature and clip-on series of experiences for visitors to engage with. The overall design takes inspiration from the materials and forms that were used during the mining era. Experiential elements in the landscape include a trestle viewing platform, an amphitheater, a children’s exploration area, picnicking and walking trails along with mountain bike access to a series of challenging trails. The landscape enhances the existing montane ecology for a heightened botanical educational experience.
© 2025 — META Landscape Architecture.